Better Together:女性引领潮流


妇女带头打破玻璃天花板. The underrepresentation of women in management can be attributed to systematic barriers and social norms.

Better Together:女性引领潮流

The population split has always been equal or almost equal. 50/50, 女人和男人, 尽管性别认同, 但是说到工作环境, 在一般情况下, 没有平等的代表权. 甚至到了20世纪, a large percentage of women did not work outside the home due to cultural and, 在某些情况下, 甚至法律上的限制. 来自联合国的研究, the majority of unpaid domestic and care work is still conducted by women. Entry to the workforce has started to show a more comparable gender distribution, 然而根据他们的报告, 世界妇女, 2020年趋势与统计, women held only 28% of managerial positions in 2019 – almost the same proportion as in 1995. 女性在管理层的代表性不足, 不一定是任何公司的直接过错, but could be attributed to systematic barriers and social norms which have created the infamous “glass ceiling” that can make it harder for women specifically to achieve 促销活动, 在某些情况下,同样的工作得到同样的报酬.

在阿尔卡特朗讯企业公司, 我们的目标是创造一个公平的竞争环境, 增加多样性, 股本, 以及组织各个层面的包容性.  Diversifying the workforce has given ALE a competitive edge because more 的想法 are being incorporated from different backgrounds, 经历, 和理解. ALE has also received well-deserved recognition and publicity through awards, 促销活动, 以及客户意见.


At ALE t在这里 are many people creating new pathways for future generations of women to come. Here are some of their stories, covering the global footprint of ALE:
满城风雨Glanard, currently the only woman to sit on the executive management team, is the sponsor of “Together” - ALE’s Employee Resource Group (ERG) -  which seeks to include multiple forms of intersectionality and diversity, 因为我们相信代表性是关键. Not only is she shattering the glass ceiling but as Executive Vice-president of Global Sales, 服务 and Marketing she is modeling the behavior that can drive success for any employee regardless of gender.

Sandrine El Khodry’s work has recently earned her a promotion to Vice President of Sales for 中东 and Africa. Sandrine was recently nominated as  the 法国 Business Council’s CEO of the month, 突出了她出色的领导才能.

Continuing to lead the charge is Karina Tiwana, the general counsel for ALE in the United States. The mastery of her skills took many years of dedication and she continues to expand her understanding by participating in summits and panels for her field. 她最近被认为是 法律事务及年度最佳法律顾问 《火狐体育手机官网》,证明了她的敬业和努力. 在一个 面试 洞察成功, 卡琳娜评论, “An equal world in business results in an enabled and better world for business. We need all of our minds and all of our hands, as a company, to compete and succeed. Diversity and inclusion – across gender, ethnicity, age, religion, etc. -实现更好的, balanced environment for economies and communities to thrive”, 展示了她对多样性的热情.

Ichita米. Puspa from the APAC region recently received recognition at the Channel Asia Women in ICT Award in 2020. This award recognizes women who have achieved excellence in their time working in the ICT industry through 促销活动, 成功的项目, 或者公司计划.

在美洲, Holly Berger just received recognition as part of the Most Powerful Women of the Channel 2021: Power 100. This award shows that her impact has been influential in channel success.

丽莎·辛普森, 自2006年以来,谁征服了ALE的销售部门, recently received a promotion as Senior Vice President of North American Regional Sales. 她解释说,她成功的关键是, “building relationships and trust which has kept our long-term customers and helped develop new customers. Our culture is collaboration and we support each other to grow”.

又一位领导人证明了代表权的重要性, 阿斯特丽德·萨沃拉尼在吗, 她出色的工作, earned her a promotion as the Head of Sales in the Southern Countries of Europe, 中东, 和非洲(EMEA). 她最近 接受Intermpresas采访, explaining, “ We must continue to improve… this inequality is more visible. We have a better chance for equality through continued conversations”. The telecommunications industry has been a male dominated space for many decades and ALE strives to have women leading the charge.

It is important to continue to encourage under-represented groups to break the glass ceiling and be influential in hiring, 薪酬福利对话. 通过创造安全的空间来建立盟友关系,比如“团结起来”, ALE促进新实践, 的想法, 和指导. Businesses need to strive for focus on “50/50 – equality” because employees and  customers deserve to have a company that reflects them.




Chris is responsible for ALE internal communications and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), with a focus on making a difference for the company on a quest for continual improvement, 学习和参与.




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